Spreading the C.H.E.E.R.

Education using

This blog has been designed to share fun and engaging websites I have found. As an Educator and a Parent I like to provide opportunities for children to develop learning skills and have fun while developing skills using technology.

I have included resources and ideas which parents can use at home to assist in providing their children with fun and educational activities.

Fun ways to learn keyboard skills

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It is good for children to become familiar with the keyboard and know where the letters are. Here are some fun games to help them learn.

Typing Letters

These are great for beginning typists where you only need to type a letter at a time. A good way to understand where the keys are on the keyboard.

The monkey climbs to different levels as you type the letter indicated.

A memory card game where you type the letter to turn the card.

Type the letter on the back of the lizard to stop them from getting to the spider.

A Pac Man style game where you decide where the character moves by typing the letter.

This game shows you where the key is on the keyboard. The letters on the keybaord are also in lower case.

Typing Words

These games are a little more advanced where you are asked to type words. It is also a good way to learn new words.

The jet shoots missiles at the enemy when you type in the correct word shown on the plane.

Type in the word at the top to win the race. Their are several different levels.

Typing Tutors

These activities are for older children who can understand the correct keyboard skills.

This is a great site with several different levels. It demonstrates typing techniques using interesting graphics.

This site offers a fun course where children can learn typing skills and be tested on their abilities.